Share of FP7 nanotechnology activities with direct links to societal challenges

Share of FP7 nanotechnology activities with direct links to societal challenges

Share of FP7 nanotechnology activities with direct links to societal challenges
Number of projects EC contribution (MEUR) Share of EC contribution (%) Number of projects EC contribution (MEUR) Share of EC contribution (%)
Total 25,238.0 44,917.3 -- 2,636.0 4,660.8 --
SC relevant 3,672.0 14,228.3 31.7% 109.0 438.2 9.4%
Societal challenge Corresponding FP7 Cooperation theme  
Health, demographic change and wellbeing Health 1,008.0 4,791.7 10.7% 33.0 157.0 3.4%
Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the Bioeconomy Food, agriculture, fisheries, and biotechnology 516.0 1,850.7 4.1% 25.0 97.1 2.1%
Secure, clean and efficient energy Energy 368.0 1,707.4 3.8% 24.0 81.5 1.7%
Smart, green and integrated transport Transport 719.0 2,284.2 5.1% 12.0 61.5 1.3%
Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Environment (including Climate Change) 494.0 1,719.3 3.8% 10.0 26.9 0.6%
Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Socio-economic sciences 253.0 579.6 1.3% 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Security 314.0 1,295.5 2.9% 5.0 14.1 0.3%