
NAMs4NANO Project – promoting uses of new assessment methods
26 September 2024

New reports under EFSA NAMs4NANO Project were published. NAMs4NANO promotes New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) to assess the potential food safety risks of nanoparticles. The reports were developed by experts from EFSA’s partners.

Nanomaterials and health


ImageNanomaterials and health

Are substances in nanoforms more dangerous than they are in their normal size? Some are and some are not. Just like any other chemical substance, nanomaterials have to be assessed separately.



ImageFighting cancer using nanotechnology

Nanomaterials are not only used in consumer products, but also in new and innovative medical treatments. Research has shown that nanoparticles can be used to damage and even destroy cancer cells from within.


Three infographics in a tablet computer,

Visit the interactive Infographics to learn more about nanomaterials around us and in the most popular products.