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Agencija ECHA je objavila novo podatkovno zbirko ECHA CHEM. Za več informacij o prehodu na zbirko ECHA CHEM glejte Več o tem.
Tukaj prikazani podatki o nanomaterialih izhajajo iz registracijskih podatkov na podlagi uredbe REACH na sedanji platformi za razširjanje informacij, ki se ne vzdržuje več; od 19. maja 2023 ostaja nespremenjena. Posodobljeni registracijski podatki na podlagi uredbe REACH so objavljeni samo v zbirki ECHA CHEM. Žal teh podatkov ni mogoče povezati s tem portalom, prav tako v zbirki ECHA CHEM zaenkrat ni omogočeno iskanje po lastnostih nanomaterialov ali popisih.
Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje v tem prehodnem obdobju.
EC/List no: 222-429-4 CAS no: 3468-63-1REACH Registration | No |
EU cosmetics inventory | Yes |
Belgian nano inventory | No |
French nano inventory | Yes |
Tonnage | |
Belgian inventory | |
French inventory | ≥ 1 to < 10 tonnes per annum |
Uses information | |
Environmental release category | ERC 2: Formulation of preparations |
Article Category | AC 0: Other |
Product Category | PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes |
PC 18: Ink and toners | |
Process Category | PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes |
PROC 7: Industrial spraying | |
Sector of Use | SU 0: Other |
SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products) | |
SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys) | |
Belgian Inventory Uses (NACE) |
REACH Nanoform Characterisation | |
Nanoform type | |
Crystallinity Structure | |
Shape category | |
Specific surface area | |
Surface treatment / functionalisation | |
Surface treating agent ID |