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New OECD reports address safety of manufactured nanomaterials

Two new publications from the OECD support the selection of the best methods and parameters for the physico-chemical characterisation of nanomaterials. Their aim is to improve the conduction of studies and promote consistent data reporting. The publications consist of a framework for informing the risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials and guiding principles for measurements and reporting.

The first publication, Physical-chemical decision framework to inform decisions for risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), gives guidance on the appropriate test methods for measuring the physico-chemical parameters for a given type of nanomaterial.

It is supported by the second publication: Guiding principles for measurements and reporting for nanomaterials: Physico-chemical parameters which helps to identify suitable methods, determine their limitations and give best reporting practices. The document also aims to improve the conduction of studies and promote consistent data reporting to maximise the utility and comparability of data.

According to the OECD, these two projects are complementary and are collectively intended to facilitate the identification of the most useful parameters and best available methods while maintaining rigour in data quality and reporting.

These reports are part of a series on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials which aims to provide up-to-date information on OECD activities related to human health and environmental safety. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has supported this work and the outcome has been taken into account in its ongoing activities to support the implementation of the REACH Regulation.