Indicators - EUON
The Indicators are grouped by major theme, accessed by clicking on the titles of the boxes below. For each Indicator, a list of the available features is also shown in each box.
- Number of projects, EC Contribution and total project cost
- FP7 Nanotechnology funding by funding characteristics
- FP7 and FP7 Nanotechnology funding by type and country of participant
- FP7 Nanotechnology projects by coordinator characteristics
- FP7 and FP7 Nanotechnology projects by country of coordinating organisations
- Company participations in FP7 and FP7 Nanotechnology
- Share of FP7 nanotechnology activities with direct links to societal challenges
- Share of FP7 publications in specific NST domains or fields compared to total lansdscape publications
- Share of FP7 publications with industrial collaboration compared to total lansdscape publications
- Citation strength of NST publications, total and FP7 related, in different NST fields
- Growth of NST paper production, total and resulting from FP7 activites
- Average age of cited references in Publications, total and resulting from FP7 activities in different NST fields