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Evaluating the EU Observatory for Nanomaterials
Two years since its launch, the EUON has carried out a mid-term review to evaluate how it has met its objective of giving reliable information on the markets and safety aspects of nanomaterials in the EU. The findings show that the EUON is adding value to the EU debate on nanomaterials but more frequent and up-to-date information could strengthen it further.
Helsinki, 5 July 2019 – The European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) commissioned a study to capture the views of its various audiences. The evaluation considered the benefit of the EUON for its stakeholders, its potential shortfalls and success factors. For the most part, the findings show that the EUON has achieved its objective of acting as a reliable source of information. There is, however, a need for more frequent and up-to-date information on the safety of nanomaterials.
The study found that stakeholders with a lower level of prior technical knowledge appear to derive more benefits from the information in terms of learning something useful that benefits them or their work. Those with higher levels of prior technical knowledge tended to use the website more to keep up to date on relevant developments. The study found that the EUON could do more to promote its content intended for consumers.
The results of this review will serve as input to the EUON’s work programme for the coming years.
The EUON aims to increase the transparency of information available to the public on the safety and markets of nanomaterials in the EU. A key aim of the observatory is to create a one-stop shop for information, where EU citizens and stakeholders –including NGOs, industry, and regulators– can all easily find accessible and relevant safety information on nanomaterials on the EU market. The European Commission funds the EUON and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is responsible for hosting and maintaining it.