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Nordic information campaign on REACH-relevant regulation for nanomaterials
A working group of the Nordic Council of Ministers, the official body for inter-governmental co-operation in the Nordic region is launching an information campaign on REACH-relevant regulation for nanomaterials.
The aim of the campaign is to develop a simple and easily usable web-tool to explain EU chemical legislation requirements for nanomaterials. Companies will be able to navigate the tool and find information to support them in the preparation of a REACH registration for nanomaterials.
The tool will be available in English, and will focus on small and medium-sized companies who may not have sufficient in-house expertise on regulation covering nanomaterials.
The tool is mainly based on the current REACH regulation and will include a summary of:
- The definition of nanomaterials
- Types of nanomaterials
- Overview of nanomaterial-specific annexes to existing REACH guidance
- Chemical and physical characterisation of nanomaterials
- Data and testing of nanomaterials
- Exposure and risk
The project is coordinated by Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark through the N-Nano project group of the Nordic Chemical Working Group (NKG) and it is expected to be finalised by the end of 2018.
Nordic Nanomaterial Group (N-Nano)