- Participate in Survey on Carbon-Based Nanomaterials and Analytical Methods
- 10 October 2024
The European Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON), in collaboration with NovaMechanics, is conducting a survey to gather insights on analytical methods for identifying, characterizing, and quantifying carbon-based nanomaterials in various matrices.
26 September 2024
NAMs4NANO Project – promoting uses of new assessment methods
New reports under EFSA NAMs4NANO Project were published. NAMs4NANO promotes New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) to assess the potential food safety risks of nanoparticles. The reports were developed by experts from EFSA’s partners.
17 September 2024
Nanopinion: Selenium nanoparticles induce global histone methylation changes in ovarian cancer cells
Discover the insights from Prof. Steve Conlan and Prof. Laurent Charlet on the latest Nanopinion, where they explore selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) as a potential anti-cancer agent.
13 August 2024
Nanopinion: Transformative innovations in water quality monitoring enabled by additive manufacturing and plasmonic nanoengineering
Read the latest Nanopinion by Dr. Sara Fateixa and Dr. S. Kumar, where they explore the potential of additive manufacturing (AM) combined with surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) in water quality monitoring.
Nanomaterials and health
Are substances in nanoforms more dangerous than they are in their normal size? Some are and some are not. Just like any other chemical substance, nanomaterials have to be assessed separately.
Nanomaterials are not only used in consumer products, but also in new and innovative medical treatments. Research has shown that nanoparticles can be used to damage and even destroy cancer cells from within.
More on the web
Nanoscale method boosts materials for advanced memory storage
7 OCT | Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nanopillars Create Tiny Openings in the Nucleus Without Damaging Cells
2 OCT | Source: University of California - San Diego
Beyond ‘one pore at a time’
2 OCT | Source: University of Chicago
Purdue researchers create orientation-independent magnetic field-sensing nanotube spin qubits
2 OCT | Source: Purdue University
Penn’s Siloxane-Enhanced Nanoparticles Chart a New Path in Precision mRNA Medicine
1 OCT | Source: University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science