Vyhledávání nanomateriálů

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Zde uvedené údaje o nanomateriálech vycházejí z údajů předložených v rámci registrace podle nařízení REACH na stávající platformě pro šíření informací, která již není dále spravována. Ode dne 19. května 2023 jsou údaje na této platformě zmrazeny. Aktuální údaje předložené v rámci registrace podle nařízení REACH jsou zveřejňovány pouze na stránkách databáze ECHA CHEM. Bohužel neexistuje možnost propojit tyto údaje s tímto portálem, ani prozatím umožnit vyhledávání v databázi ECHA CHEM podle vlastností nanomateriálů nebo jejich soupisů.

Děkujeme za vaši shovívavost během tohoto přechodného období.


Polychloro copper phthalocyanine

This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 74260.

EC/List no: 215-524-7 CAS no: 1328-53-6
REACH Registration Yes
EU cosmetics inventory Yes
Belgian nano inventory Yes
French nano inventory Yes
Belgian inventory ≥ 100 to < 1000 tonnes per annum
French inventory ≥ 10 to < 100 tonnes per annum
Uses information
Environmental release category ERC 0: Other
ERC 1: Manufacture of substances
ERC 2: Formulation of preparations
ERC 3: Formulation in materials
ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles
ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix
ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems
ERC 8c: Wide dispersive indoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix
ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems
ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix
ERC 10a: Wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release
ERC 11a: Wide dispersive indoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release
ERC 12a: Industrial processing of articles with abrasive techniques (low release)
Article Category AC 0: Other
AC 1: Vehicles
AC 2: Machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical/electronic articles
AC 4: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles
AC 7: Metal articles
AC 8: Paper articles
AC 10: Rubber articles
AC 13: Plastic articles
Product Category PC 0: Other
PC 1: Adhesives, sealants
PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes
PC 14: Metal surface treatment products
PC 15: Non-metal-surface treatment products
PC 18: Ink and toners
PC 19: Intermediate
PC 27: Plant protection products
PC 32: Polymer preparations and compounds
PC 35: Washing and cleaning products
PC 39: Cosmetics, personal care products
Process Category PROC 0: Other
PROC 2: Chemical production or refinery in closed continuous process with occasional controlled exposure or processes with equivalent containment conditions
PROC 3: Manufacture or formulation in the chemical industry in closed batch processes with occasional controlled exposure or processes with equivalent containment condition
PROC 4: Chemical production where opportunity for exposure arises
PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes
PROC 7: Industrial spraying
PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or mixture (charging and discharging) at non-dedicated facilities
PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or mixture (charging and discharging) at dedicated facilities
PROC 9: Transfer of substance or mixture into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)
PROC 10: Roller application or brushing
PROC 11: Non industrial spraying
PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring
PROC 14: Tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation, granulation
PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent
PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles
PROC 24: High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles
Sector of Use SU 0: Other
SU 1: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
SU 7: Printing and reproduction of recorded media
SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)
SU 9: Manufacture of fine chemicals
SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)
SU 12: Manufacture of plastics products, including compounding and conversion
SU 15: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
SU 16: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products, electrical equipment
SU 17: General manufacturing, e.g. machinery, equipment, vehicles, other transport equipment
SU 19: Building and construction work
Belgian Inventory Uses (NACE) 20120
REACH Nanoform Characterisation
Nanoform type
Crystallinity Structure
Shape category
Specific surface area
Surface treatment / functionalisation
Surface treating agent ID