Pretraživanje nanomaterijala

ECHA je pokrenula novu bazu podataka ECHA CHEM. Pronađite više informacija o prelasku na bazu podataka ECHA CHEM  Više

Prikazani podatci o nanomaterijalima proizlaze iz podataka o registraciji u skladu s Uredbom REACH na postojećoj platformi za širenje informacija, koja se više ne ažurira, a podatci su zamrznuti sa stanjem 19. svibnja 2023. Najnoviji podatci o registraciji u skladu s Uredbom REACH objavljuju se samo u ECHA CHEM-u. Nažalost, ne postoji mogućnost povezivanja podataka s platforme s novim portalom niti je zasad moguće pretraživanje ECHA CHEM-a prema svojstvima ili inventarima nanomaterijala.

Hvala vam na razumijevanju tijekom ovog prijelaznog razdoblja.


2 -Propenoic acid polymer with ethene, ammonium salt

EC/List no: 801-238-5 CAS no: 25212-83-3
REACH Registration No
EU cosmetics inventory No
Belgian nano inventory No
French nano inventory Yes
Belgian inventory
French inventory ≥ 100 to < 1000 kg per annum
Uses information
Environmental release category ERC 2: Formulation of preparations
Article Category AC 5: Fabrics, textiles and apparel
AC 6: Leather articles
Product Category PC 23: Leather treatment products
PC 31: Polishes and wax blends
Process Category PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes
PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or mixture (charging and discharging) at non-dedicated facilities
PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or mixture (charging and discharging) at dedicated facilities
PROC 9: Transfer of substance or mixture into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)
Sector of Use SU 5: Manufacture of textiles, leather, fur
Belgian Inventory Uses (NACE)
REACH Nanoform Characterisation
Nanoform type
Crystallinity Structure
Shape category
Specific surface area
Surface treatment / functionalisation
Surface treating agent ID